Choir Across America Team

Choir Across America

Choir Across America Team

singerCommonwealth Youthchoirs

Steven M. Fisher, Project Director
Dr. Elizabeth Cassidy Parker, Music Director
Joseph P. Fitzmartin, Tenor & Bass Vocal Coach
Sheridan Seyfried, Soprano & Alto Vocal Coach
Ben Cerauli, Audio & Video Coordinator
Julie Donahue, Participant Coordinator
Kathleen Powell, Participant Communication
Martha Platt, Operations and Attire
Rachel Rossbach, Administrative Assistant
Michelle Boyles, Media
John Kahler, Website
Jill Ringold, Marketing
Leanne Clancy, Press
Sara Parker, Intern

Special thanks to the following Choir Directors and Music Educators

Dr. John Boonenberg, Boychoir of Ann Arbor
Jena Dickey, Young Voices of Colorado
Dr. Rollo Dilworth, Temple University
Dr. Elizabeth Hearn, University of Mississippi
Angela Hjertstedt, Portland Boychoir
Rachel Maki, Milwaukee Children’s Choir
Selina Midkiff, Appalachian Children Chorus
Christine Noel, Rhode Island Children’s Chorus
Joelle Norris, Coro Rio
Marcia Patton, Casper Children’s Chorale
Dr. David Puderbaugh, University of Iowa
Peter Robb, Picfest
Mike Seil, Central Dakota Children’s Choir
Michael Yannette, Cherokee High School

Special thanks to the following wonderful people who made this opportunity possible

Dr. Paul Boskind
Joe Solmonese
Jeffrey Wexler
Amanda Back
Raj Kapoor
Keith Harrison
Patrick Jager
Liz Hart
Michelle Willrich
Jeff Atlas
Ryan Smith
Kate Peterson
Kelli Farr
David Chrem
Hannah Flam
Ofirah Yheskel
Tim Carroll
..and everyone at the DNC for being such great partners